Letters of Opposition

Current Letters Submitted to Douglas County Commissioners
Below are letters from environmental, recreation, and agriculture groups already submitted to the Douglas County Commissioners, and all in opposition to the RWR proposal. Click below to read the full letters by:
Water for Colorado Petition against the RWR Proposal, Signed by 1,166 Colorado residents
San Luis Valley Water Conservancy District, by President Tyler Neely
Alamosa County Chamber of Commerce, by Executive Director Erin Keck, alamosachamber.com
Orient Land Trust, Valley View Hot Springs, by Mark Jacobi (Facilities Manager), dougbishop@olt.org
Eric Harmon, hydrologist who led the groundwater component of the RGDSS model
Center Conservation District, by Nikita Christensen, nikita@notes-numbers.com
Conservation and Recreation Community; by Trout Unlimited, Western Resource Advocates, American Rivers, Audubon Rockies, Environmental Defense Fund, The Nature Conservancy, and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, contact Alex Funk (TRCP), AFunk@trcp.org
Colorado Open Land Editorial, by Sarah Parmar, sparmar@coloradoopenlands.org
Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project, by Emma Reesor, emma@riograndeheadwaters.org
Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust, by Allen Law, allenl@riograndelandtrust.org
San Luis Valley Farmers Union, by Kyler Brown, kowboykjb@gmail.com
San Luis Valley Wetlands Focus Area Committee, by Cary Aloia, Cary_Aloia@msn.com
San Luis Valley Great Outdoors, by Mick Daniel, mickdaniel@slvgo.com
San Luis Valley Great Outdoors, by Patrick Ortiz, patrickortiz@slvgo.com
Sportsman Community; by National Wild Turkey Federation, Trout Unlimited, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Colorado Wildlife Federation, and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, contact Alex Funk (TRCP), AFunk@trcp.org
The City of Alamosa, Michael Carson, mcarson@ci.alamosa.co.us
Write your own letter: learn how to contact the Douglas County Commissioners
Photo credit: Patrick Myers, Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve